Father Karl Schaffenburg

Fr. Schaffenburg has served St. John’s since 2019, following his retirement from full-time parish ministry as rector of parishes in Mississippi and Wisconsin, and in diocesan leadership roles in each diocese.  Fr. Karl received his seminary training at Nashotah House in Wisconsin, and was ordained in the Diocese of Fond du Lac.  Prior to his service in ministry, Fr. Karl worked as a lawyer in private practice in Mississippi, and as in-house counsel in the pharmaceutical industry in Massachusetts, New York and New Jersey.  He also served in strategic and corporate development in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries in the U.S. and Europe, and in intelligence and counter-espionage roles in biotechnology.  He is a published author of political cultural policy reviews focused on Russia and Ireland, as well as of numerous book reviews concerning cultural history.

At St. John’s Fr. Karl’s ministries are focused in liturgical worship, Christian formation, and pastoral care.  He also facilitates online instruction in scriptural languages and ascetical and historical theology.

Fr. Karl and Elizabeth (neé Brewer) married in 1986 and have two grown children and five grandchildren.