The Reverend Fr. Jeffery Walker Reich

Greetings!  My name is Jeffery Walker Reich.  I was born in Rome, GA on April 10th 1972, and baptized at Saint Peter’s Episcopal Church on the Feast of Saint Michael. My family lived in several towns in Georgia before moving to Meridian, MS, where I graduated High School. I am a son of Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church, Meridian MS, where I spent my youth actively involved in the E.Y.C., and serving as an Acolyte.

I received my undergraduate degree in Agronomy from Mississippi State University and served as a Golf Course Superintendent in Atlanta, GA for four years before returning to Meridian to go through the discernment process to enter into the sacred priesthood. I attended Seabury-Western Theological Seminary in Evanston, IL. While in Chicago, and served at St. Paul’s by-the-Lake. After graduating, I was ordained to the sacred order of Deacons on June 19th, 2004 and to the Sacred order of Priests on The Feast of Saint Thomas, December 21st, 2004. My wife Catharine and I have three children: Mattie Grace, Thomas and Matthew.

I had visions of becoming a priest from the earliest age. I have always been actively involved in the life of the church and have served in many ministries, from youth work to manual labor and repairs. While in Chicago I worked with inner city children and Sudanese refuges, as well as handling many of the pastoral needs of the parish.


  • July 2008- Present

    • Rector of Saint John’s Episcopal Church, Laurel, MS

  • June 2004- June 2008

    • Vicar of Saint John’s Episcopal Church,  Aberdeen, MS

  • June 2004- July 2006

    • Vicar of The Church of the Good Shepherd, Columbus, MS

  • June 2002-June 2004

    • Seminarian Assistant at Saint Paul’s Church by-the-Lake, Chicago, IL

  • August 1999 – August 2001

    • Chief Engineer of Operations at Mitchell Companies, Meridian, MS

  • August 1995 – August 1999

    • Golf Course Superintendent, Riverside Course Atlanta Athletic Club, Duluth, GA


  • June 2004     Seabury Western Theological Seminary­; Masters of Divine Theology

  • August 1995  Mississippi State University; Bachelor of Science in Agronomy


  • Gray Center Camp & Conference Center Board of Directors

    • January 2014- Present

  • Board of Examining Chaplains

    • January 2013- Present

  • Diocese of Mississippi Honduras Medical Mission Board of Directors & Sponsoring parish

    • Feburary 2012-2015

  • Led DIOMS Workshop on Technology and Evangelism

    • February 2011

  • The Executive Committee of the Diocese of Mississippi

    • February 2010-Present

  • Happening Spiritual Director

    • January 2005-December 2009

  • Bishop’s Mission Corps Board Member/Chairman

    • October 2005- Present

  • Bishop’s Mission Corps Superintendent- Aberdeen Cell

    • August 2006- June 2007

  • Bishop’s Theological Committee

    • June 2005- June 2007

  • Camp Director- Camp Bratton-Green

    • July 2005

  • Camp Staff- Camp Bratton-Green

    • June 2004- June 2008

Before coming to Laurel, I was the vicar of Saint John’s Episcopal Church in Aberdeen, MS and The Church of the Good Shepherd in Columbus MS. I served these two cures for five years and learned a tremendous amount.

I enjoy teaching and preaching and consider my greatest duty and highest calling to be parish ministry. I understand the calling of the priesthood as being faithful, serving the altar, and loving and serving the parishioners sacramentally and sacrificially without fail.  In my off time, you can find me either with my family, or following in the footsteps of Saint Peter who “said to them, “I am going fishing.””

I am always available to answer any questions you may have about the Church, or should you need anything. Please contact the Church to speak with me or stop in and say hi.

May God bless you and keep you.


  • Safeguarding God’s Children: Safe Church Training

    • August 2008

  • Transition Consultation

    • July 2008-July 2010

  • Post Ordination Consultation

    • June 2004-June 2006

  • Congregations of Vision

    • September 2007


  • Proficient in the use of the 1928 and 1979 versions of the Book of Common Prayer, and Anglican Missal, preference for traditional worship and language.

  • Have mastery of Anglo-Catholic and broad Church expressions of Liturgy.

  • Bi-lingual and have knowledge of Hispanic culture.