Matthew Woods

Matthew M. Woods, Organist and Choirmaster began service to St. John’s in October of 2021. He holds degrees in organ performance from Birmingham-Southern College and The University of Alabama. Matt began study of piano at age 7 and has been a church organist continually from age 13. He has served churches in Alabama, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, and now Mississippi. Longtime friendships with church musicians here in MS have led him to serve as the director of the Mississippi Conference on Church Music and Liturgy, an annual gathering of church musicians that is partially underwritten by the Diocese of Mississippi. Matt is a proud member of the Association of Anglican Musicians.

At home in the kitchen, Matt started the St. Lawrence Guild here at St. John’s—a ministry of cooking, hospitality, and “food evangelism.” His home life is centered around caring for three charming house cats, Hildegard, Theodora, and Wulfstan.