Over the centuries, Christians have buried the dead in churches, either in graveyards or in undercrofts, where they are constantly remembered and their remains safeguarded.  Burial within the church itself, or in the adjacent churchyard was once a common practice.

In recent years, cremation with interment of the ashes, rather than burial, has become common due to land shortages, the desire to not consume land for burial, and because many families move so often that the idea of having a ‘hometown’ is less prevalent.  In this way, the remains of the deceased can stay on at the church that played such an important part in their lives.

Saint Johns offers the opportunity for parishioners’ ashes and those of their loved ones to repose in the tranquil, contemplative atmosphere of our memorial garden.  At present our columbarium has 24 niches, many of which are still available.  When all of the present niches are taken, the parish will expand the columbarium to accommodate the demands of the faithful.

The niches are offered at a cost of $2,500 each, which covers the cost of the niche, the name plaque, and perpetual care.  The niche subscription may be paid in total, or in monthly or quarterly increments, payable to the Saint John’s Episcopal Church.  This cost helps the parish to recover the cost of purchasing the columbarium, designing, creating and maintaining the memorial garden environment, and guaranteeing perpetual care.

If you are interested in subscribing and have any questions, please contact the church office , at 601.428.7252 to set up an appointment or stop by and see the garden.