Notes from Patmos…Hot off the press!
Grace and peace to my parish family.  I hope and pray this finds you all well.  This Sunday the youth of our parish will be taking over for our annual youth Sunday.  They will be leading our Sunday School classes, and serving in the liturgy at the 10:30 mass as ushers, lectors, and Ms. Meredith Follis will be preaching at both masses.  It is also Mother’s Day and as is our custom, we will have roses on hand for all the women in the parish, and there will be a special prayer and hymn for Mother’s Day at the 10:30 liturgy. Our custom is to hand roses out to all the women in the parish, young & old, biological mother or not.  Why? Because, we celebrate the spirit of motherhood and contribution and lives of the women in our parish family and try to do something special for all the women and mothers in our midst.  We have some very talented youth in our parish and I hope you will come out and support them and thank them for their service, and help us celebrate a special day.
Next Tuesday night (May 16th @ 6pm) we will host the Saint John’s Day School sixth grade graduation.  Our other local school are beginning graduation rites and the academic year is quickly coming to an end.
It is a time of excitement and change, a time of endings and new beginnings. This time of year highlights the human condition- with some families looking forward to vacation and travel and camps and weeks of fun and relaxation.  While for others it is a time of anxiety and difficulty, as children go unsupervised due to work obligations, and a time when some children loose access to food and other provided services.  So, as we count our blessings and celebrate the end of another year, let us not forget those for whom the days of summer are difficult and trying.
God bless you all,

Vacation Bible School Supplies

Ms. Shelby Gatewood is coordinating our hosting the downtown Vacation Bible School this summer and we need your help.  She has left a list of items that we need on the back table in the Church proper, complete with handy reminder cards.  We only have three or four items left and would love it if you helped out.  So next time you are near the parish, stop by and help the parish family out!

Pictorial Directories Are IN!!!

If your family was photographed for our new Pictorial Directory, stop by the office and pick your copy up.  If you were not photographed and would like a copy, there are a limited number available for $20.

2017 Flower chart 

The Altar Flower Chart for 2017 is on the board  in the Sacristy hallway and we need the faithful to sign up to take a Sunday in memory or thanksgiving of someone or an event.  If you are unable to come to the parish to sign up, you are more than welcome to call the parish office with a date you would like and we will try our best to accommodate you.  When a person takes a Sunday, they contact the parish to make known their thanksgiving/memorial wording for the Sunday bulletin. Mr. Randy Jackson of Flowertyme is a communicant, but you may choose which florist you would like to deal with, or you can make the arrangement yourself and place them in the sanctuary.

Save the date

Vacation Bible School – This year’s ecumenical VBS will be hosted at St. John’s  July 10 – 14th from 9:00am to 11:45am.   Please let Shelby Gatewood or the church office know if you can help.

An Easy Way to Help St. John’s Day School

Start clipping BOX TOPS for Education!  Hundreds of products participate in the program, and you probably already have several in your pantry, freezer and refrigerator.  For every Box Top you clip, St. John’s Day School will receive 10 cents!!!  That may not sound like a lot, but it adds up quickly. There are no limitations on the money’s use, so St. John’s can spend it as needed.
Grab your scissors and keep an eye out for the Box Tops for Education logo on the products you use every day.  Once you have finished the product, clip the Box Top before you throw it away.  Be sure to look over the whole box.  There is a container labeled for your Box Tops on the table in the hallway.

Connecting Ministry
We here at Saint John’s love reaching out to others and letting them know that they are loved by God, held in prayer and remembered.  Our Pastoral Care Committee, E.Y.C. and Daughters of the King society would love to write notes of encouragement, send small care packages and simply let others know that they are prayed for and remembered.  If you have a loved one who is shut-in, a college student or in the military, follow this link to fill out the form and let us stay in touch with them!  The form is here:

A Tip O’ The Biretta
For the Year Actual Budget Over/Under
Pledges $ 106,534 $119,769 $ 13,235(90%)
Plate $15,344 $ 19,667 $  4,323(78%)
Other $34,312 $ 28,311 $ 6,001(121%)
Total $ 156,190 $167,747 $11,557(93%)
Expenses $175,148 $ 165,672 $  9,476(106%)
BUDGET TOTALS $ 18,958 $ 2,075 $ 21,033(913%)
O God, our heavenly Father, make the door of this Church wide enough that all who need human love and fellowship and a Fathers care may find it, and narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and uncharitableness.  Here may the tempted find help, and the sorrowing receive comfort.  Here may the careless be awakened to repentance, and the penitent be assured of your mercy.  And here may all your children renew their strength in You, and go on their way rejoicing.  Through Jesus Christ Our Lord.  Amen.
Saint Johns Episcopal Church
541 North 5th Ave./ P.O. Box 1766
Laurel, MS 39441
601.428.7252 Office
601.422.7388 Mobile
Copyright © 2017 Saint John’s Episcopal Church, All rights reserved.