Hello all:
Sometimes I forget just how public a life I lead, for it seems there is some miscommunication and ‘talk’ around our fair town in regards to some of my actions- and for that I apologize. A few weeks ago I put our house on the market, or to be exact, placed a ‘for sale’ sign in the front yard, and this has caused undue speculation, rumors and murmuring. So, to be as clear as I can- God willing, and with the support of this parish, I hope to remain at Saint John’s, Laurel for a goodly length of time- that is to say, I have made no plans to minister elsewhere, nor do I wish to. Catharine and I really enjoy Laurel; I love this parish and her people, and hope to make a life here (my four year anniversary is in July believe it or not!!!). When I took this cure, I had very precious little time to find a home for my family, and the options in our price range were not many, so we had to ‘settle’ on a house that was less than ideal for our reality and needs. Since that time, the housing bubble has burst, and we have added a new member to the Reich clan. Our hope is to sell our home and move into another in town that better suits our needs. If we are going to call Laurel home for a while, we hope to try and find a place that we can truly call home.
Today at 12:05pm we will begin to be more intentional about another of our Christian duties and privileges- remembering the dead of this parish. We pray for the dead every Sunday, and in almost all of our liturgies, but up to this point we have been sporadic about intentionally praying for them by name in our liturgies.
We pray for the dead to hold them before God, and as a realization of the fact that the Church extends past the grave. Our salvation begins at our baptism, and through our life we, in the words of the Apostle, work out our salvation, but it will not be final and complete until the Day of Christ (when our Lord returns to ‘judge the quick and the dead’). So just as we pray for and ask the prayers of the living, so we pray for those who have died.
All of that being said, today we institute a monthly requiem mass, and during the liturgy we will remember by name all members of this parish who died in the month of June. If you have a friend or loved one who died in the month of June, call or email by noon and we will remember them as well. And of course, all are welcomed and encouraged to come and worship with us. The Wednesday mass is only around 35 minutes in length, so its perfect for a lunchtime break from the trials and difficulties of the world.
See you around the parish!
Wednesday in the Second week after Trinity Sunday MMXII
From the Organist’s Bench
The text for Sunday’s offertory anthem is “He that shall endure to the end shall be saved.” The anthem is part of a religious oratorio called “Elijah,” written by Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. The librettist tells in dramatic detail the story of the Old Testament prophet Elijah’s defense of the Hebrew God when confronted by followers of the Phoenician god Baal. The text is a quote from Matthew’s 10th chapter, wherein Jesus sends out the Apostles to teach, preach and heal among the Jews proclaiming that the Kingdom of God has come near. Jesus warns them of the difficulties and hardships they will face among the people, eventually ending in being delivered up to the authorities, foreshadowing the death of most of the Apostles. This warning echoes the ministry and difficulties Elijah faced:
“And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against parents, and cause them to be put to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.” (Mt 10. 21-22 KJV)
While the short excerpt we will sing on Sunday is often sung in church, the dramatic nature of the complete “Elijah” is more appropriate to the concert stage. Elijah was premiered in 1846 during a music festival in Birmingham, England.
Schedule Changes
Due to Vacation Bible School being held at St. John’s the week of June 25-29, we will begin Morning Prayer at 8:00. We would love for you to join us! Please note, Wednesday, June 25th we will NOT have the 12:05 Eucharist with Healing Unction service.
The Nativity of John the Baptist
Monday, June 25th, celebrate The Nativity of John the Baptist with Matins (Morning Prayer) at 8:00 a.m in the chapel and an evening service beginning at 5:15 p.m., also in the chapel.
Hero Headquarters!
June 25 – June 29
8:30 – 12:00
Beginning Monday at 8:30 a.m., St. John’s will be over-flowing with children as we host the downtown church’s Vacation Bible School. Everyone has been hard at work preparing for this exciting week and we know the children are in for a wonderful time.
Two new, bright, shining faces will be taking care of the children in our nursery: Brenda Rivera and Florencia Mendoza. Brenda was born in Monterrey, Mexico, raised in Texas and graduated from Vanguard Institute of Technology in 2007 with a nursing degree. She moved to Laurel in 2009 and now works at Jones Family Medical Clinic. Florencia was born in Oaxaca, Mexico, has lived in Laurel for 14 years and is the mother of 2 children. If you are around the parish on Sunday morning, stop in and introduce yourself to these two wonderful, loving ladies.
A Tip O’ the Biretta

To Rick Burson for his hard work putting together St. John’s Men’s Night.
To Judy McGlothlin for her help with the Men’s Night dinner.
To Pete Hayes and Roger McLeod for the stage they built for Vacation Bible School.

For the Year Actual Budget Over/Under
Pledges $132,806.00 $132,976.00 $ 170.00
Plate $11,266.00 $13,905.00. $2,639.00
Other $7,939.00 $9,938.00 $1,999.00
Total $152.011.00 $156,819.00 $4,808.00
Expenses $173,571.00 $71,903.00 $ 1,668.00
BUDGET TOTALS $21,560.00 $15,084.00 $6,474.00

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